Back-End Automation Basics
Back-end automation has become increasingly important to companies that realize the need to clean up antiquated, paper-driven processes. Banks, for example, are increasingly automating back-end record-keeping processes to catch up with front-end services. Software programs are used to store and organize customer data for use in marketing campaigns. Banks have increasingly shifted into electronic check records versus old systems of scanning and filing paper checks. Automated workflows driven by software programs and phones allow company employees to complete work as it comes in and automatically have it flow to the next person in the work process.
The major benefits of back-end automation are efficiency and cost reduction. Electronic record keeping and automated work processes reduce time spent on unnecessary tasks or steps. Many companies have scaled-back employee needs in home offices and support areas because of automated processes. Inventory management software has greatly reduced the time and costs of moving goods from distribution center to the wholesaler or retail store. This increases value to customers and reduces costs for distribution channel members. While customers don’t directly see back-end automation, they benefit from the scaled-back company operations.