Programming - Python, PHP, Java
Programming Languages are a fundamental part of computer science, they are fundamental tools in a programmer’s toolbox and crucial to almost every programming activity. Choosing between programming languages is often confusing, let alone choosing between the most popular ones. Python and Java have been battling for the top position on the most popular programming languages out there, with Python making an amazing progress in the last few years and Java holding onto its position.
It often seems that these languages are perfect, and in fact, they are capable of doing most of the tasks out there, however, there are key differences that could help you formulate your decision. We’ll start by explaining each language and key characteristics, then compare them in different fields in computer science to provide more clarity on your choices.
Java is a statically typed general purpose programming language, it is an object-oriented and concurrent language. Java was meant to be WORA (write once run anywhere) language, it was designed to run on any platform and with as few dependencies as possible, with the help of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Python is a dynamically-typed general purpose programming language. Python’s early development began at a research institute in the Netherlands. The original motivation behind it was to create a higher level language to bridge the gap between C and the shell, as the author states, creating system administration utilities using C back at that time was pretty complicated. The syntax was also motivated by a few languages like Algol68, Pascal, and ABC and was meant to be readable and clean. You can read more about the history of python on the Python Author’s blog.
Still today the most widely used programming language. The most CMS systems are designed over this programming language only.
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